Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to live a happy life?

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.”
~Howard Thurman
I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life.
No, I haven’t won the lottery– haven’t even got a raise. No, I haven’t been lounging in a seaside hammock on the coast of the South Pacific lately either.
So where’s my joy coming from? It comes from I am being more and more alive each day.
Everyone who reads these words will say, “Wait a minute, last time I checked I was alive.” Yes, I know, but my question is: are you becoming more alive each day? This, I believe, is the key to living a happy life.

The Incredible You
What do I mean by “more alive?” I mean more and more of what you were meant to be. More of the incredible beautiful you that existed in the mind of God before you took your first breath. Some call it destiny, some call it purpose, some won’t even admit it exists, and yet there is something within each of our hearts that whispers that we are unique, that among the seven billion beings on this planet there is no one alike us.
Think about what that means. What is more valuable, an art poster that Wal-mart ordered fifty thousand copies of, or a hand-signed, one of a kind oil canvas? You are that oil canvas, absolutely priceless, because there will never in the history of the universe be another YOU.
So, are you developing your uniqueness, that which is special about you, that which sets you apart from every other person on the planet? If not, then why not?
Embrace Personal Growth
Think of your life’s journey like a tree. What if a little sapling said to it, “It’s so great to be tree! I’m going to stay just like I am.” What a waste it would be if its vision didn’t realize there was so much more to being a tree than what it knew as a sapling.
A sapling is meant to grow and develop, becoming more and more a tree–more and more of what it was meant to be.  One day it will be able to provide shade, fruit, and stability for the earth around it, a home for animals, even fun for children to climb and play in it. Just like the sapling, you can be so much more alive than you are today, but only if you understand all of your potential and you are committed to achieving it.
Are you committed to becoming all you are destined to be? Are you focused on becoming more and more alive each day? Too busy finding that special someone? Too busy advancing your career? Too busy raising the kids?
Can I say something? When you reach the end of your life, will it matter to you how many bills you paid to buy all that stuff crammed in your closets? Trying to find that special someone?— it will be a lot easier once you become a special someone yourself.
And talk about career—nothing advances a career like standing out in a crowd, being fully aware of your unique talents and fully ready to offer them. Your kids–they don’t need just a caretaker, they need a parent unlike any other on earth–someone who knows the unique gift they are to others.
How to Live a Happy Life: 5 Principles
1. Feel like a Kid
2. Take a Step
3. Stretch Yourself
5. Get in a Habit
4. Make a Contribution
So there you have it: feel like a kid, take a step, stretch yourself, make a contribution, and get in a habit. I guarantee you that following these principles will not only make you feel more alive today, but will lead you to the life you were born to live.  So seize today, and live it.

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